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  • Cargo Surveys & Loss Adjusting


Surveys are carried out with the main aim of determining cause, nature, extent of damage and providing a complete picture of the situation. This include the instructions taken to mitigate any loss, damage or expense and to ensure that all rights against third parties are properly preserved and exercised.



Whether perishable commodities, chemicals, consumer goods, project material and anything else you can think of, we have the expertise to resolve the issues that arise with the carriage of the goods.



  • Fruit Shipments


We have specialized knowledge in fruit shipments handling our own instruments such as refractometer, penetrometer and thermometer to provide various parameters such as the flesh pressures, maturity, colour, brix readings, bruising, skin defects, decay and visible residues etc.



  • Relocation/Household & Personnal Effects Damages


We ensure prompt efficient service providing experienced and specialized cleaning/restoration partners and replacement estimates through reliable third-parties, such as local suppliers, commercial catalogues, or internet inventory.



  • Project Cargo Services


We carry pre-loading, marine delay in start-up (DSU/ALOP) related surveys and claim management.



"We are familiar with paperwork and business procedures in Brazil and fully understand
the sometimes sensitive nature of surveying work.

Brazil . São Paulo . SP  / Phone +55 (11) 99347.2190 / / Brown Pointer Surveys  © All rights reserved.

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